Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Pokemon Theory #2 Pokemon Evolutions

Charmander evolving
Hey Pokemon fans! Today we are going to talk about a new theory that I've thought of. Throughout the Pokemon video games we've played, we always see Pokemon evolving. It's always an exciting thing to see because you always wonder what the Pokemon is now going to look like. But what do you think the Pokemon is feeling while this is happening? We never actually know how the Pokemon feels. We just see them light up, spin around, then POOF! A new Pokemon appears. I think the Pokemon feels something. I think that the Pokemon might feel a little weird. Like their soul is lighting up. It might feel like it's lifting up in the air. It also might hurt for them. What if they feel like they're dying or feeling a lot of pain! They might feel pain for a split second then once they evolve the pain stops. 

What do you think happens when you need to give the Pokemon a certain stone to evolve? Do they eat it to evolve? I think they hold it for a certain amount of time, then as the light up, it disperses into them. They might also feel pain then the stone might be a medicine that goes inside of them and evolves them.

What do you think happens to the Pokemon? Comment down below! I hope you liked this theory. Make sure to check out my other posts and vote on the poll! Also stay tuned for Flygon's part 2 mini-series! Thanks guys!

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