Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Pokemon Go!

Hey Pokemon fans! Today we are going to talk about a video game that will be released soon. The game we will be talking about today is Pokemon Go! I am really excited because it will be very different from other games because it will be on mobile devices. I have mixed feelings about this because it could either be really good, or just like an average Pokemon game on the app store which is very basic.

In the trailer of Pokemon Go, it shows that in this game, you would walk a distance to catch a specific Pokemon. Then you would try to capture the Pokemon with a type of Pokeball and maybe even a different type of device! In this trailer, the graphics look awesome, so that gives me high expectations for the graphics in Pokemon Go. The trailer also shows the trainer walking to the Pokemon according to a sort of direction or GPS device. One thing I am worried about is the distance you would have to go to catch a certain Pokemon, but I'm sure they'll figure that out.

Another thing I'm wondering about in the game is the Pokemon that will actually be in the game. I think it will be all Pokemon from every single generation, but it might also be only a few generations. I'm pretty sure that it will be all Pokemon because it would be more exciting.

So that was a short post about Pokemon Go. I'm really excited about the new games Pokemon will soon be releasing. I might be posting more posts about the new game Pokemon Sun and Moon and maybe more Pokemon theories! Thanks guys!

Monday, April 25, 2016

Pokemon Trainer #2 (Brock)

Today's trainer we are going to analyze is Brock from the first season of Pokemon! Sorry for not posting for a while, I have was very busy for the last few months. I will soon be posting a lot about different things in Pokemon.

So, today's post is all about Brock from the original TV series and in Pokemon Red and Blue! Brock has played a main role in the TV series as one of Ash's companions. In Pokemon Red and Blue, he plays as a gym leader that you will battle along your journey in the game. He doesn't play a very main role in this game, but is still a very main character in Pokemon. Other Pokemon games he makes appearances in, are Pokemon silver, gold, Fire Red, Leaf Green, Heart Gold, Soul Silver, Pokemon stadium 1 and 2. He also makes an appearance as a trainer in the tournaments in Black and White 2.

Brock is a rock-type trainer who was a gym leader in Pewter city. He left the gym to travel alongside Ash Ketchum. He then became skilled in Pokemon medicines. He then trained to be a Pokemon doctor. He is also a very good breeder of Pokemon throughout the anime.

Brock has a very mature and carefree attitude. He acts very smart and father like to Ash and (to me) like an older brother to Misty. He also gets really funny and stupid when he acts really awkward when he sees girls he likes. This makes the show very funny and makes Brock a very appealing character.

Overall, I think Brock is a very awesome character in Pokemon. I would rate him overall as a seven. He is a very skilled trainer and has a very funny attitude and characteristic in the anime. Pokemon wouldn't be the same without Brock!b

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Pokemon Trainer #1 (Ash Ketchum)

Hey Pokemon fans! I haven't been posting for a while, so I decided to start a new series that I am planning to post about every day. This new series is an analyzation about Pokemon trainers. Almost every day, I will make a post about a Pokemon trainer. I got this idea from my island from Tomodachi Life! I made all of my residents somewhat look like different Pokemon trainers consisting of main characters, to gym leaders, to extra characters from the TV series. During this analyzation, I will rate the trainer from a scale of one to five on the trainer's strength, favoritism, and overall. I will also be determining what type of personality the trainer has.

Today I will be analyzing the main character of the TV show, Ash Ketchum! Ash Ketchum first appeared on the very first episode of Pokemon and appeared on every single episode after that because he's the main character! Episode after episode Ash Ketchum became stronger and stronger as a trainer. His dream is to become the greatest Pokemon trainer ever, complete the pokedex, and to become the Pokemon champion! His first ever Pokemon was a Pikachu given to him by Professor Oak. He didn't stop with just one Pokemon. Ash caught at least one Pokemon during almost every single episode.

Ash has only made an appearance in the anime, but the main boy character in the video games look a lot like Ash Ketchum to me. He's always been in every single episode during every single season. Even though Ash is the main character of the TV series, I kind of wished they could've included the other characters more, or at least have an episode without Ash.

I thinker he has a very enthusiastic personality. I would rate his strength a four since he could get a little more stronger. I would rate his favoritism a five because he's the main character. Overall, I think Ash is a great Pokemon trainer!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Pokemon Conquest

Hey Pokemon fans! Today we are going to talk about a kind of old Pokemon video game for the DS called Pokemon Conquest! In North America, it was released on June 18, 2012. The game was about warriors trying to conquer every single kingdom in the land to unlock the mysterious legendary Pokemon. The warriors used their Pokemon to fight their battles. It took place in a region called the Ransei Region. It included all Pokemon from the first five generations. It was a very different and unique way of battling, which made it very fun to play.

I remember I used to play this game all the time. I got really hooked on it and was determined to have a very skilled and good army. Of course, I never got to that point because I'm not the best at Pokemon. I really liked the format of battling, and how it made you stratigize in a totally different way. You needed to figure out how your team should in both defense and offensive ways. That was probably my favorite and most annoying part of the game. 

Another thing I really liked about the game was the different characters and their personalities. The main characters all had their own unique personalities and traits, but the other warriors all looked the same and all had the same winning and losing sayings. 

Overall, I really loved this game and I wish they came up with a Pokemon Conquest Two, just to make things even more fun. Thanks guys!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Flygon Mini-Series Part 2/2

Hey Pokemon fans! Today is the last part of Flygon's mini-series. For those of you who are just starting to view my blog, Flygon was last week's poll fight winner! Which means, Flygon gets it's own mini-series. There is also a new picture of Flygon on the collage page, so make sure to check that out!

Okay, so Flygon is a last evolution which makes it a more powerful Pokemon than many others. I think Flygon's first few evolutions aren't really exciting until they get to the one and only. The first evolution of this chain is Trapinch, then Vibrava, then finally Flygon! I feel like the first few evolutions are like in Pichu standards (No offense Pichu). I am also including Vibrava. Trapinch is kind of weak compared to how he looks and Vibrava isn't a very memorable Pokemon. But finally they make the last evolution Flygon! This makes this evolution chain so much more exciting! I feel like most people try to catch Trapinch just because they know that later on it will become a Flygon.

I like everything about Flygon. But it is surprising to me that he's a dragon and a ground type. Dragon type is cool and all, but I would have pictured Flygon as a flying and bug type. Just because of the way it looks. One thing that's kind of annoying about Flygon's evolution, is that it finally evolves Trapinch into Vibrava at level thirty-five!

When I first caught a Trapinch, I couldn't wait to evolve it, but it took forever! Over a while I kind of just gave up on Trapinch for a while. Then I started training it and it finally evolved into Vibrava. But then you need to level Vibrava ten more times! This just gets me annoyed. I mean, it could be good for some cases. At least Flygon won't be at such a low level by them it evolves.

So that was my last post for Flygon's mini-series. What do you think? Make sure to comment down below what you think should be the next category for next week's Pokemon Poll Fight! Thanks guys!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Pokemon Theory #2 Pokemon Evolutions

Charmander evolving
Hey Pokemon fans! Today we are going to talk about a new theory that I've thought of. Throughout the Pokemon video games we've played, we always see Pokemon evolving. It's always an exciting thing to see because you always wonder what the Pokemon is now going to look like. But what do you think the Pokemon is feeling while this is happening? We never actually know how the Pokemon feels. We just see them light up, spin around, then POOF! A new Pokemon appears. I think the Pokemon feels something. I think that the Pokemon might feel a little weird. Like their soul is lighting up. It might feel like it's lifting up in the air. It also might hurt for them. What if they feel like they're dying or feeling a lot of pain! They might feel pain for a split second then once they evolve the pain stops. 

What do you think happens when you need to give the Pokemon a certain stone to evolve? Do they eat it to evolve? I think they hold it for a certain amount of time, then as the light up, it disperses into them. They might also feel pain then the stone might be a medicine that goes inside of them and evolves them.

What do you think happens to the Pokemon? Comment down below! I hope you liked this theory. Make sure to check out my other posts and vote on the poll! Also stay tuned for Flygon's part 2 mini-series! Thanks guys!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Flygon Mini Series 1/2

The winner is Flygon!
Hey Pokemon fans! Today we are going to talk about last week's poll winner Flygon! This will be part one of Flygon's mini series. We are going to be talking about fun facts, appearances, and much more about Flygon! Flygon is the mystic Pokemon. It is a ground and dragon type. It is a last evolution which makes it powerful than most others. Flygon is pretty rare to catch which is very cool. The first time I've heard of Flygon is from the game Pokepark. That was when I thought he was also a very awesome Pokemon as well. Flygon first appeared in the movie Jirachi: Wish Maker. It is also in all of the Pokemon video games like all the other Pokemon.
Flygon and Wally in the anime

 I love the design of Flygon and also the way his eyes are which looks cute, but also strong. It would be so awesome if Flygon has its own mega evolution as well. I like how they made Flygon a flying giant bug. 

So that was part one of the mini series for Flygon. I hope you like this mini-series stay tuned for part two! Also comment down below what you think I should post about next! Should I do more than Pokemon? Comment down below! 